Measuring Advice & Service

I am happy to help you when it comes to measuring windows for curtains and blinds. I offer a full measuring service and have also put together some simple tips to help you measure up yourself.

To help you with measuring you will require a tape measure, a step or ladder and a pen & paper.


Measuring Windows for Blinds


Width: Measure at three separate points, as the width may not be consistent. Please provide the smallest measurement.

Drop: Measure from the top of the recess to the windowsill at three separate points to allow for any variations.


Width: Measure across the window width, adding an extra 10cm (4″) to the total width to allow a 5cm (2″) overlap either side of the window. This could be more if desired.

Drop: The blind will need to sit a minimum of 5cm above the recess and can be higher if desired. Decide where you would like the blind to finish and this is your drop.

Things to check

Are there tiles, cupboards or furniture that may get in the way of the blind when operating it?

Please send me a picture of the window via the consultation form if you would like additional help with any queries.

Measuring Windows for Curtains

STEP 1 Measure the curtain track or pole (excluding finials)

Poles should aim to be 15-20cm above your window, and should stretch 10-15cm wider than the window on each side.

STEP 2 Deciding on the curtain length

Below the sill (15cm below the sill)

Floor length (1cm from the floor)

STEP 3 Measuring the curtain length

Measure from the eye of the curtain ring or eye of the track to your chosen curtain length.

I will then guide you through any other information required and please send any photos or questions via the consultation form.

Call Jayne today to discuss your project